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Womxn's March Poster Making Event at the Coffeehouse

January 15, 2019

(photo credit to the Boston Globe)

This Friday, the 18th, from 6pm – 8pm, we are hosting a poster making session for the Womxn’s March on Saturday, the 19th. Bring your own poster board, and we’ll provide markers and table space!

Intrigue has decided to support this event because of its’ focus on inclusion and equality. From the Seattle Womxn’s website, “…as Martin Luther King taught us, the true path to peace requires the presence of justice, not merely the absence of tension. To build power, we must first name and dismantle injustice inside ourselves, inside our institutions, and inside our culture.” Intrigue supports healing, collaboration, equality, and the protection of at-risk populations.

If you’d like more information about the march, check out the website here:

During the day of the march, the 19th, we will offer a 10% discount to anyone that comes to the coffeehouse with their sign in hand. See you then!

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